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Heal Your 'Text Neck' With Chiropractic Care in Loveland

Group of people with cell phones on a benchLook around and you’ll see it everywhere – people hunched over their smartphones and tablets with their heads tilted forward and shoulders rolled inward. This damaging posture, often called “text neck,” has become the new normal as mobile device usage has skyrocketed. But it’s putting immense strain on our bodies.

Understanding Text Neck

When your head is upright, the spine’s natural curve helps evenly support its 10-12 lb weight. But when you bend your neck forward to view a mobile screen, you actually increase the pressure on your neck muscles, tendons, and discs exponentially. It’s like carrying an extra 60 lbs just with that simple tilt!

This unnatural position can lead to:

  • Neck/shoulder tightness and pain
  • Upper back aches
  • Pinched nerves
  • Headaches
  • Numbness/tingling in arms & hands

Reversing the Damage at Dawson Chiropractic

At Dawson Chiropractic, our chiropractors are expertly trained to treat the full scope of text neck discomfort and misalignment. Through customized chiropractic adjustments, we can gently reposition your spine and release the tension caused by prolonged mobile device posture.

Our comprehensive text neck treatment plans may also include:

  • Spinal decompression therapy
  • Therapeutic massage
  • Corrective exercises
  • Ergonomic & posture coaching

The key is taking a proactive approach before text neck becomes a chronic issue. Pay close attention to your device posture and positioning. Keep screens at eye level rather than bending your neck.

Find Relief Today

If you’re already experiencing text neck symptoms like aches, stiffness or numbness, don’t wait to address it. Call Dawson Chiropractic today and let our experienced doctors evaluate your condition. Through tailored chiropractic care, we can relieve your discomfort and help prevent further spinal misalignment from mobile device overuse.


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